Waste Applications

Waste Characterization

A characterization of drum
  • Quickly characterize waste drums
  • Fast identification decreases scan time
  • Recommended series: A, H, or P

H characterization of container
  • Find direction and character of sources
  • Localize without exposing operator to high-radiation field

Waste Quantification

Characterize a barrel
SourceTerm software

SourceTerm at the Nuclear Industry Proficiency Test Exercise 2019

The H3D H420 was used in conjunction with SourceTerm software package at the Nuclear Industry Proficiency Test Exercise in 2019. Prior to measurment, a waste drum was spiked with Cs-137, Co-60, and Am-241. The location of these isotopes was not disclosed before measurements were taken.

Spiked Fuel diagram
SourceTerm Interface

SourceTerm Interface

The H420 was able to locate and identify the source package in the upper chamber of the waste drum as Am-241, Co-60, and Cs-137 (shown above). Using SourceTerm in post-processing, the source package was further analyzed and accurately quantified (shown to the left).

Real-Time Isotopic Trending

Characterize a pipe
  • Quickly characterize waste in pipes
  • Provides real-time ratios and isotopics
  • Replaces need for chemistry samples
Characterize a pipe
  • Easy to spot pipe buildup
  • Quickly view distribution of sources along pipes
  • Recommended series: H, P, or S

Comparison with Chemistry Samples

Measurements at Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Station showing ability to replace the need for chemistry samples for certain applications.

Verify the Adequacy of Temporary Shielding

  • Determine whether or not shield is effective
  • Verify shield reduced radiation to safe levels or below that from another source
  • Recommended series: H or P
Shield wall

Co-60 with and without shield

Shipping & Cargo Inspection

A on shipping container
  • Recommended series: A, H, or P
Source in shipping container
  • Ensure cargo meets shipping and receiving requirements
  • Scan for radioactive contamination
  • Fast imaging allows easy preparation of shipments
  • Quickly locate where in container needs shielding

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