Safeguards Applications

View results of CZT sensitivity testing conducted by the IAEA here.

Nuclear Material Accounting and Control

MCAT IAEA integrations of the M400 into the HM-6 (left) and MCAT (right).

Hot Cell & Glovebox Monitoring

  • Measure special nuclear material inside contained system
  • Monitor spent-fuel samples
  • Real-time monitoring under argon or other inert-atmosphere setups
Air lock for glovebox
  • Produce isotope-specific dose rate logs over time
  • Stable detection system for complex measurements
  • Recommended setup: S100 with GammaTrend

Nuclear Holdup

Water tank with contamination at bottom

Collecting Nuclear-Material Compliance Information

Image of source container
  • Analyze samples remotely or in the field
  • Inspect results from nuclear-fuel-cycle measurements
  • Quantify nuclear-material inventory
  • Verify physical locations of nuclear materials
  • Recommended Systems: M, A, H or S (with GammaTrend)

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