H3D® Visualizer with SourceTerm gives additional capabilities to the Visualizer software included
with H3D detectors.
SourceTerm's innovative algorithms discretize sources over surfaces or volumes,
producing accurate quantification of sources.
SourceTerm at the Nuclear Industry Proficiency Test Exercise 2019
The H3D H420 was used in conjunction with SourceTerm software package at the Nuclear Industry Proficiency Test Exercise in 2019.
Prior to measurment, a waste drum was spiked with Cs-137, Co-60, and Am-241. The location of these isotopes was not disclosed
before measurements were taken.
The H420 was able to locate and identify the source package in the upper chamber of the waste drum as Am-241, Co-60, and Cs-137 (shown above). Using SourceTerm in post-processing, the source package was further analyzed and accurately quantified (shown to the left).
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